We have collected the most frequently asked questions from our clients and prepared answers to them.

You can reach us by calling +1 617-300-7407 or by sending a text message.

Same-day appointments are preferred. We can often arrange a session within minutes.

We kindly ask that you arrive 5 minutes before your scheduled time. If you arrive early, there are coffee shops and restaurants nearby where you can wait comfortably.

Absolutely. It’s important to start the session with a clean, refreshed body. You can also rinse off after the session.

All of our services are listed on the Services page.

No, we are cash only.

No, it’s not. To avoid any confusion, we provide phenomenal massages but not escort services.

Nuru is a massage technique from Kawasaki, Japan. The word “Nuru” means “slippery/smooth” in Japanese. During the session, you’ll be covered with Nuru gel, applied by hand to the entire body to relieve stress.

Nuru gel is an odorless massage lotion. Its main component is the sulfated polysaccharide fucoidan, derived from the leaves of the brown seaweed plant Sphaerotrichia divaricata. Chamomile and other minerals are often added for additional benefits.